
How To Nail Your Podcast Show Notes

One really important aspect of having a pod is writing your show notes. Show notes may not sound as exciting as building your website or posting on Instagram, but they’re key for getting listeners to find and understand your show — and want to tune in! 

Your show notes are an extension of your podcast. They should be compelling and fit your brand voice and be clear and concise at the same time. 

Your show notes are a great opportunity to highlight standout moments in the episode, give love to your sponsors, and drive traffic to your website. 

Here are some things to include in your notes: 

  • Quick episode recap with 3 - 5 bullet points on key topics and takeaways

  • References from anything you mentioned in the episode such as an article, product, or past episode you shouted out 

  • Discount codes or affiliate links to sponsors if applicable

  • Link to your website and any other brand initiatives you want to promote

  • One great...

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Why Podcasting Is The Best Way To Grow Your Reach Right Now

We are so passionate about podcasting because we truly believe it is THE BEST place to have your voice heard right now. There are a lot of ways to get content out there these days, but podcasting is such a special medium because it removes the physical, so you can connect with your audience in a deep, meaningful, and authentic way.

You don’t need to worry about who you are, or what you look like, or where you’re recording from, or if you have a large following in the beginning. If you have a message to share, you can be a podcaster. And that makes this industry unique. 

The podcasting space is also growing like crazy! Apple Podcasts currently features more than 500,000 active podcasts in more than 100 languages. And as of June 2019, there are more than 30 million episodes of content. 

And that is just the beginning — this industry is growing every year. Some more amazing stats: 

  • According to a 2019 report called The Infinite Dial, 70% of...

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How To Choose The Right Name For Your Podcast

Your podcast name is probably the first thing your audience will see or hear about your show. You want your name to clearly (and quickly!) communicate who you are and what your listeners can expect. Your name should be engaging, catchy, and immediately seize someone’s attention. 

That may sound like a lot of pressure, but our first piece of advice is to remove any pressure you may be putting on yourself and just give yourself permission to be creative. Start brainstorming and getting dreamy. See what you come up with and see what feels good to you, in your body and mind. 


Try these tips

  • Grab a pen and paper. Jot down as many words as you can that are related to your show. Use these words to try different combinations. Say it out loud, write it out, and get comfortable with the name. 

  • Describe your show to people you trust — do any words/potential titles come to mind for them? See what they think of when you tell them the name of...

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How To Build An At Home Podcast Studio

Before we dive in, we want to first say that building a podcast studio is not as scary or intimidating as it sounds. Our first “studio” was on our small, cramped closet floors. (Seriously, the acoustics in a closet are usually great!)

It’s not so much about the space itself as about setting yourself up with the right equipment to record clear, crisp, professional-sounding audio. This is so important for both your listeners and potential sponsors. 

So today we’re sharing a shopping list of our go-to recording equipment that we love. 

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How Are Podcasts Really Monetized? We Break It Down


As podcasters, one of the questions we hear all the time is, “Can you really make money off podcasting?” And the answer is ABSOLUTELY YES. And we are living, breathing, money-making proof! 

We started Almost 30 as a side hustle while working our full-time jobs (more on that in this blog post!), but within a year, we monetized and turned it into a successful full-time business. And there is so much opportunity in this industry for you to thrive too! 

The #1 thing you need to make money in this business is a product that you believe in with your whole heart. Focus on your content first and make sure you’re putting out something that you love and you think others will love too. That’s the most important thing to start with and the foundation you’ll build from. From there, sponsors and other monetization opportunities will come. 

Here we’re breaking down the different ways to monetize your business and...

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Why We Kept Our Full-Time Jobs While We Built Almost 30


When starting a podcast or any project you’re passionate about, it’s so tempting to want to rush the process — to make it your full-time job right away and jump right to monetizing. But our biggest piece of advice is to be patient and trust the process. 

When we started Almost 30, we both had full-time jobs (Krista in the corporate world and Lindsey as a Soul Cycle instructor) and we kept our jobs for two years. Yes, it was stressful at times and we were crazy busy. But looking back, we are SO glad we did this.

It gave us the freedom to build the business organically. We didn’t have the pressure of, ‘How are we going to pay our bills?’ so we were able to focus on the creative process. We threw ourselves into creating content we loved and building a community gradually and organically. 

Since we didn’t have immense financial pressure, we were able to build up our content and our credibility for months before we...

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5 Tips You Need For a Successful Podcast Launch

5 Tips You Need For a Successful Podcast Launch 

One of the most exciting times for your podcast is when you’re ready to launch! This time is key because it’s when you introduce your show to the world. You’ve put your heart and soul into this podcast and it deserves the best debut possible. That’s where marketing comes in!

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Marketing is the differentiator when it comes to growing your podcast. It’s how you go from zero to thousands of listeners...and then millions!!

We’re sharing our 5 best tips to market your podcast at launch. These were huge for us when we launched Almost 30, and they’ll make your pod a success too!

  1. Create a trailer to introduce listeners to your show: It can be 2-3 minutes long and it should give listeners an idea of what your show is about and what you’re about. Highlight future guests, episode topics, and include a strong clip. Entice them and leave them wanting more!

  2. Have a clear...

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How To Get Your Podcast on New + Noteworthy on Apple Podcasts

The New + Noteworthy section on Apple Podcasts is a spot that a lot of podcasters want to be featured on. It will give you major visibility and help new listeners find your show. Apple Podcasts works on an algorithm, so it picks up the newly downloaded and created episodes. That’s why it’s so important to optimize your show and market it at launch. 


We’re sharing 4 tips to make sure you’re set up for success!

  1. Create clean and compelling cover art: Your cover art is extremely important for the New + Noteworthy section. Apple wants this section to be aesthetically pleasing. Make sure your image is high-resolution and your title is clear. (Pro tip: Serif fonts can get lost or blurred. Sans Serif fonts work really well and stand out.) 

  2. Also make sure you’re aware of key dimensions and size your art appropriately. The Apple Podcast New + Noteworthy section on desktop displays at 125 x 125 pixels. Apple Podcasts on mobile...

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5 Memorable Marketing Techniques That Set You Apart

From our experience, marking is THE differentiator. Smart marketing amplifies and uplevels your show, and transforms it from a great podcast into an impactful brand. 

We’re not talking about “old school marketing” where it feels like you’re selling aggressively and peddling a product. To us, the power of marketing is telling a story, sharing your vision authentically, and connecting people. That’s the kind of creative and memorable marketing that will help you stand out.

These 5 marketing techniques have been game changers for us and our brand: 

  1. Tap into the power of community: We truly believe that community is everything! There are so many brands out there and so many options for consumers. There are tons of podcasts  — there is only one YOU! What will set you apart is forging an authentic connection with your audience. The more time and energy you invest in building your brand’s community, the more your audience...

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5 Ways Podcasting Will Build Your Brand

The digital age has ushered in an era of opportunity centered around the individual. From blogs to social media, we now have the ability to share our personal stories and pursue our passions in a way that was not possible before. When we started, we had no audiences, and were working full time jobs. It took us a few years, and a lot of mistakes to really get into the groove of building our brand, We are now a global media company with reach all over the world, focused on helping women through their evolution. But it didn’t happen overnight! 

As we have discussed, podcasting is an incredibly powerful way to jump-start your personal brand and develop a presence. But what about those of you who already have an established presence? Whether you are an Instagram influencer or a YouTube star, expanding into the realm of podcasting is a great way to take your brand to the next level. 

Here’s why: 

  1. Reach new audiences - According to Statista, there are over...

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