Join us for a 3 part workshop series on the break up process –with a partner, a friend and anyone in between.
Ending a relationship can be scary and overwhelming, whether it be romantic or friendship. As relational beings, so much of our identity can be intertwined in relationships. Often, we ‘lose ourselves’ or settle for less than we deserve. We excuse disrespect or lack of support. We minimize our feelings so that the dysfunction makes sense. To release the tether to this person might feel confronting, disorienting, shameful, and confusing. But alas, this Earth school curriculum always has our greatest and highest good at the center. We experience this contrast for a reason - in order to understand more clearly what we truly want and value in a relationship. This is where we meet you.
In this 3-part workshop series, Krista Williams and Lindsey Simcik will walk you through the stages of this major relationship invitation.
The first is letting go. How do you know it’s time to let go? How do you know if it’s worth letting go? How do you know when making an effort to make it work is just delaying your alignment?
Next is the breakup itself and the processing that follows. How do you approach this conversation? What do you say and not say? How can you hold your center and protect your peace in the process? How to allow the waves of grief and mixed feelings to move through you, but not shake you from your center?
The final stage is the new beginning. Often at this stage, there is more unknown than ever. Which inevitably means the possibilities exponentially increase so long as you are ready to embrace the season you are stepping into. How do you ‘move on’ from a relationship in a way that feels empowering? How can you trust your path and the timing of your life? How do you acquaint yourself with this rebirthed ‘you’ and advocate for her moving forward?
Through their own breakups, healing and reclamation and the deep and thorough processing that followed, Krista and Lindsey will guide and teach from a place of experience and groundedness. They are keen to dig into the nuance of all three stages and the many forms this experience can present itself. Their intention is to support you in reclaiming your sense of self and inspire the confidence to move forward in alignment.
If you no longer want to settle for relationships that keep you from who you really are, this series is for you.
After this workshop series, you can expect to walk away with:
- Tactical steps to follow in both the letting go and break up processes
- A renewed trust in your intuition
- The confidence to approach this process with heart and clarity
- Practices for forgiveness (of self and others)
- A deeper understanding of the energetics of a breakup
- Hope and excitement for your path ahead